Wedding invitation wordings – we need your help!
Hey lovelies! A very quick little blog post from me today as I’m squirrelling away behind the scenes on a couple of little projects. I’m reaching out to every wedding stationery designer out there for a little help and so I can feature your designs!
Very soon I’ll be publishing English Wedding’s Essential Guide to wedding invitation wordings.
The guide (on the blog) will be full of example wordings, advice and beautiful invitations with recommendations for where to buy wedding invitations!
If you make wedding stationery and you’re UK based, then I’d love to include you in the feature. As a thank you, I’ll be offering HALF PRICE MEMBERSHIP to every contributor. (That means, for a Silver directory listing on the blog and FOUR home page features on English Wedding, you’ll only pay £60 for the year. Crazy times, right?!)
If you can help, please email me (
- a photo of your favourite wedding invitation design (non standard wordings especially welcome)
- a link to the home page of your website
- your instagram name @…
Please ensure the wording is clearly shown on the image, and that no confidential information is shown (e.g. real couples’ email addresses or home addresses).
We’ll need all images to be at least 1500 pixels wide at 72dpi. (Please don’t send huge files, as they’ll break my inbox!) If you’re not sure, WeTransfer is a safe alternative to email!
I’m planning to publish the feature between now and Christmas, but all submissions should be sent in by the 2nd of October, please!
Thank you so much for your help. I can’t wait to see what you send!
Header image credit Jessica Reeve Photography, styling by For the Love of Weddings, Stationery By Moon and Tide with illustrations by Amy Swann.