A guest blog by Shane, who writes for London Luxury Chauffeuring, with images by award winning Kent wedding photographer Benjamin Toms

A bride steps from a luxury vintage car, helped by a smartly dressed older man who is holding the door for her. Captured by Benjamin Toms Photography in Kent

All images in this article are by Kent wedding photographer Benjamin Toms. More from Lizzy & Rich’s wedding here!

Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life, and how you choose to arrive at your venue can add a unique touch to your celebration. Whether you envision arriving in a luxurious car at a grand country manor, stepping out of a charming vintage bus at a rustic barn, or making a sustainable entrance by walking, your choice of wedding transport can reflect your personal style and values. Let’s explore these options and their environmental impacts.

Confession time: I am no expert on wedding make up! Fortunately, I have some fabulous advice from Saffron, who is! Here are seven makeup faux pas you should avoid to keep your makeup intact during your big day, plus 3 more tips for grooms and people with facial hair.

Saffron Hughes, professional makeup artist at FalseEyelashes.co.uk, shares 10 tips to perfect your summer wedding make up look!

A guest blog with Close-Up Chris

Magicians have been part of entertainment history for centuries, yet let’s be honest — many folks just can’t stand them. Perhaps it’s the eye-roll-inducing performances or the idea that wedding magic equates to cheap parlour tricks. But here’s the twist: while plenty of cringe-worthy magicians are out there, the world of magic is gradually shaking off its bad rep. Thanks to hit shows like Britain’s Got Talent and Penn & Teller, people are starting to see the genuine skill and artistry behind a top-notch magic trick. Great wedding magicians can really liven up your wedding reception and get guests talking – they’re actually a brilliant entertainment choice for weddings!

A brilliant guest blog by Essex wedding photographer Ross Willsher Photography

Are you drowning in wedding overwhelm? In a spin from social media inspiration? Overloaded with wedding terminology? Fear not! Help is at hand. In this article we’re going to look at some wedding photography jargon and break down what photographers actually mean when they use certain words and phrases.

So, take a deep breath, get comfy and for the next 10 minutes, take some time to untangle that busy mind.

Fans of TV comedian Rob J Madin will enjoy a new “Wedding Speech Menu” he’s put together for Travelodge. Making a speech at a wedding can be brilliant or quite stressful, depending how comfortable you are with public speaking. We’ve published a lot of advice about wedding speeches in the past and I’d love to know what you make of these quick-fire templates. Images are by our friends and English Wedding members Libra Photographic in Dorset.