Olivia & Elliott’s epic party of a London wedding at TT Liquor Whisky Bar, with York Place Studios
How beautiful your wedding looks is kind of a minor detail compared to how much fun you all have. In years to come you’ll remember the laughter, the love, the FEELING of that day more than any pretty piece of decor. That’s the side of Olivia & Elliott’s amazing London wedding we’re sharing here – the overwhelming happiness, the emotions and the sheer joy of a wedding day. They celebrated at TT Liquor Whisky Bar, and London wedding photographers York Place Studios captured the vibe of their wedding BRILLIANTLY.
Now I’m a Mini girl – always have been and it’s all I’ve ever driven – so the photo of Olivia drinking champagne from the bottle as Elliott drove them from the Kingdom Hall to the reception in their green Mini made me grin – I just LOVE this image! That absolutely classic little car had room for the happy newlyweds AND their wedding photographers to drive through the streets of London – and gave a perfect opportunity for some stunning street wedding photography, literally, from York Place Studios!
You two are so so talented!
We can’t thank you enough!
These two are the most gorgeous couple – Olivia totally SHINES in her wedding dress and Elliott is beaming in every photo – I love it. This is what a wedding is all about, and I love my little wedding blog today for looking so damn authentic and amazing today. Every now and then a wedding comes along and I think, “This is how I’d love to get married” – and these two had what I’d call the PERFECT wedding. I’ll leave you with our fave documentary wedding photographers York Place Studios to tell the story of the day in images!
1 Comment
Steve Bagness · September 2, 2020 at 4:43 pm
Very cool photography. Will take this ahead of endless group shots any day of the week.