A guest article by Bibi at Truly Experiences; Images from the English Wedding archives by Amanda Karen Photography
Everybody needs a little romance in their lives. But for newlyweds enjoying their first Valentine’s day, “a little romance” takes on a whole new dimension. Your brand new marriage comes with all kinds of exciting new experiences and memories. Wherever you are, you’ll want to make that first big romantic day special for both of you. Make your first Valentine’s day traditions as a couple exciting, with these seven ideas for a unique Valentine’s Day.
It’s the loveliest thing to meet all the creative folks in the wedding industry, and while Helen England lives down in Kent and I’m up in the Lake District, I feel as though I know her from her little introduction video on YouTube. Seriously – all wedding people should do this – it’s ace. We’ll show you in a moment! Helen has joined English Wedding this month, but many of you will already know her from the weddings and shoots we’ve published in the past. I love her style and approach, and I really hope you will too!
A guest article by Bibi at Truly Experiences
You’re about to get hitched. You’re happy. You’re head-over-heels in love. But you’re heavily distracted by one not-so-tiny, crucial detail – where to go on your honeymoon!
The way I see it, honeymoons are a personal reward for you and your new life partner. After months of wedding stress, the two of you can stop worrying about your friends and family, and just focus on yourselves. It’s a wonderful opportunity (before the realities of life start again) when you can splurge on unique honeymoon destinations and experiences and not feel guilty. So make the most of it!
Time doesn’t stand still at weddings. Wedding blogs and magazines full of photos give the impression that a wedding is a series of amazing moments, stepping from one to another with a ‘click’, ‘click’ of a camera shutter at every step along the way. But the brides and grooms on English Wedding tell me – almost every time – that the day goes by SO FAST – it’s a sprint, a story which keeps on running like a fast-paced movie. There can be moments where ten things happen in the flash of an eye; and moments of stillness too.
It’s more than wonderful to see a gorgeous bridal bouquet given the attention it deserves – and Dorset photographer Robin Goodlad captures this beauty like a pro! Beautiful Martine and Nick’s wedding day is full of visual treats, glamorous styling and thoughtful details – Martine is stunning and Nick looks gorgeous – but these two little faces almost steal the show… aren’t they ADORABLE?!!