Hey lovely! How was your weekend? We had the laziest day yesterday after a walk in the Lakes on Saturday – it was perfect! And today I’m excited to let you know we have a ton of real weddings from around the UK to share with you this week!!!

Hannah and Mark's RAC Club wedding image credit Danielle Smith Photography (3)

First is Hannah & Mark. This gorgeous couple were married in Wimbledon and followed the ceremony with an exclusive reception for friends and family. Everything is beautiful: I especially adore Hannah’s Kenneth Winston dress, and their stunning portrait shots by lovely Danielle Smith Photography. I hope you do too!

Forgive me, lovelies, because today’s wedding has more images than I normally post… it’s just that there are so many little stories in today’s gorgeous celebration, and the little sequences of images tell them so beautifully! (Watch out for my fave – when Shane sees Eleni in her second dress his jaw literally drops!) So welcome to the wedding of gorgeous couple Eleni & Shane, who wed in October at Belair House in Dulwich Village, London. Their photographer was our lovely friend and English Wedding sponsor, London wedding photographer Emily Black.

Eleni and Shane's stunning Dulwich Village wedding, images by Emily Black Photography (40)

Images by Town Hall Hotel wedding photographers York Place Studios

Real life wedding at the Town Hall Hotel in London, with York Place Studios (18)

Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, love grows and gives us a fairytale – Michael’s mum

Scrolling through the fabulous images from today’s London wedding, I get a very strong feeling that this is only the beginning of gorgeous couple Michael and Dorito’s story. It’s for this sense of ongoing narrative that I love sharing documentary wedding photography – I find it keeps my feet on the ground and reminds me that weddings are just as much a part of daily life as having breakfast and chatting to friends.

Happy Wednesday everyone! Have you sorted Valentine’s Day yet? Eek… I’m feeling a little behind with my own V Day plans, so do share if you have tips!! I’m all ears! And I’m totally distracted by the loveliness of beautiful Debbie & Boyan’s wedding from Emily Black Photography. These guys were married in September at De Vere Devonport House, Greenwich. It’s a beautiful old hotel and one of London’s favourite licensed venues for weddings, with an expansive garden and lawn for guests to explore and enjoy – and on this gorgeous autumn day it was perfect for our happy couple!

I thought we all deserved a little treat this Sunday afternoon, so gather round and snuggle up for an extra special dose of wedding lovely. Our fabulous friend Amanda Karen Photography sent in this beauty of a shoot and I’ve fallen for it hook, line and sinker. The styling is exquisite; the colour palette is fabulous. This is a shoot in two halves: the copper dress takes my breath away and I’d love to see more brides wearing such a bold statement dress… but if that’s not for you then the bridal jumpsuit is unique, different and 100% on trend for 2019! Both outfits are by the always fabulous Charlie Brear.