There was a time (and it feels like long ago), when we didn’t have the joys of the internet, social media or Pinterest.  When it comes to wedding style part of me thinks “how on earth did we manage” but the other half of me feels it was possibly a much simpler place.

Styling your 2018 wedding, expert advice by Jenna Hewitt. Photo credit Kitty Wheeler Shaw (1)

The wedding traditions I like best of all are the simple, fun and creative ones. Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue is a tradition many of us uphold – and it’s lovely because our mums, sisters, grandmas and closest friends all love to get involved (in a good way!)

Chic modern wedding styling in London, images by Amanda Karen Photography (16)

I have been playing on the internet and discovered so many creative ideas for those somethings old, new, borrowed and blue. Traditionally the items would have been carried, or on the bride’s person during the wedding, but recently brides have been a little more creative in counting things like vintage cars as their ‘something old’ – and we’re all for that! If you’re struggling with any one of your somethings old, new, borrowed or blue, here are some ideas to help!

I’m pretty well acquainted with a particular wedding invitation designer and calligrapher whose eyes roll right back into her head at the first breath of “request the pleasure of your company…”. The thing is – it’s not a phrase anyone would ever breathe, or even dream of saying out loud. If you’re having a party, you tell your friends in person: “we’re having dinner & drinks at mine for New Year – would you like to come?” The only place we seem to use the horribly stilted “request the pleasure of your company” is on wedding invitations. And not the fun, exciting ones.

As the official opening of the eagerly anticipated Wedding Gallery fast approaches we take a closer look at some of the luxury brand partners involved in the project and the expert services on offer to visitors. Here, Roja Dove, Master Perfumer at Roja Parfums available at The Wedding Gallery, shares his insider tips on how to create the perfect mood and lasting memories of your wedding day through scent.

Woodland romance and beautiful bluebells for a Derbyshire wedding shoot with HBA Photography (16)

Photo credit: HBA Photography. See our woodland shoot for full supplier list

So your best friend is getting married. What do you buy as a wedding gift? Shopping for a perfect wedding gift can be daunting, but when it comes to a close friend, there can be even more pressure to find the perfect gift.

A sweet and pretty vintage wedding on the English Wedding Blog. Image by Love in Focus (26)

All images by our lovely sponsor Love In Focus Wedding Photography, Bristol

You not only want to find the perfect gift for the happy couple, but you want one that will also signify the many years of friendship you have shared. The gift should always be thoughtful, but you shouldn’t spend time stressing over it, as sometimes the most meaningful gifts are often ones that are not expensive. Of course, you don’t want to get something that just anybody can buy.