Introducing… Annabelle’s Illustrations

I want to make a resolution, right here and publicly on the blog: I want to help you lovely lot find unique ideas for your wedding, by freely showcasing independent creatives on Because weddings aren’t about high street stores or massive brands. If you’re new to wedding planning (hey there!!!) you’re about to enter into a world of tiny little indie businesses run by the most dedicated, creative, wonderful people you’ll ever meet. Welcome.
As a wedding blogger I work alongside a wonderful team of advertisers and sponsors who pay a small fee to be listed in the English Wedding Directory and regularly featured as members of the blog – they’re the guys who will so often submit beautiful real weddings and editorials for me to share with you. I couldn’t do this without them – they make English Wedding amazing!
But while I have to make a living, I also want to introduce you to new brands, independents and artists who are just starting out or who don’t have a budget for wedding blog advertising. So when I spot someone whose designs make my jaw drop, I’m making a resolution right here and now to share their work with you here on the blog! First off… insanely talented artist Annabelle would like to create a timeless illustration of YOU in your wedding dress – paper anniversary gift, anyone?
Annabelle’s Illustrations
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been sketching! I guess it’s natural for any child to possess a certain passion for reflecting inner thoughts onto paper, but for me it’s always been through art and fashion.
I studied fashion and costume design but having been heavily influenced by the sketches of great masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and growing up being surrounded by visual arts with my mum and her mum being incredible artists, I ended up combining the two and fashion illustration was born!
Relatively recently, I started a part time job as a bridal stylist to fund my art and with that my passion for bridal wear grew and this naturally crept its way into my work! I now focus more on bridal illustrations: working with brides to sketch a special moment from their day, or working with bridal designers to put their designs down on paper.
As a fashion and bridal illustrator, I usually interpret and produce artwork focused around a garment, bridal gown or a photograph and try to put the feelings evoked down on paper to create a certain mood.
I guess illustration is a form of interpretation of a story, a running narrative of sorts. I find that the face of that narrative is extremely important and that’s why I try to make my girls realistic. I remember always filling sketchbooks with eyes; I’ve been fascinated with eyes from a young age, I feel they hold so much life and expression.
At the moment I’m taking commissions, which is my favourite thing to do; every day, every commission is different.
To keep up to date with my work, follow me on Instagram @annabellesillustrations