I hope you enjoy this heartwarming guest article by Love Gets Sweeter

During this bizarre time we find ourselves in, we are realising how special it is to stay connected with our family and friends. Trying our best to catch up with them over video calls, family zoom quizzes and online parties, and other cool ways to keep ourselves sane and connected. We are really getting creative in how we keep in touch with our loved ones during our time of lockdown and self isolation (who ever thought those would be words I’d write!?)

Happy Sunday, you wonderful human. I’m snuggling into a cosy blanket this morning – it’s freezing out there and I’m taking a little me time to relax this weekend. But I’m excited because I have two fabulous features to share with you today. It’s pretty much a blog takeover, as our features today are all about Love Gets Sweeter – my friend Charlene has been making beautiful wedding videos for years and I’m thrilled to welcome Love Gets Sweeter to the English Wedding Blog. I’ll let the lovely lady introduce herself to you! Have a wonderful Sunday!