Should you polish your wedding? An odd question, I know – but think with me for a moment. In these days of Instagramming our lives and sharing only the carefully planned, tidy, and perfect sides of ourselves I kind of miss seeing photos that make me feel something. A gorgeous line of bridesmaids, a pristine wedding gown or a messy bouquet are all glorious to see on insta… but amongst all the wedding pretty, I love seeing a photo which will make me laugh out loud, scroll back up for another look or even identify with the people in the frame. And that has to be a real, spontaneous, unpolished wedding photograph.

A LOT goes on at weddings. They’re magical, romantic… and the busiest days of our lives! With everyone we know all in one place, a schedule to be kept and plans to be followed, it’s no wonder the day goes by in a blur. The top piece of advice couples give in their English Wedding interviews is to take a moment to stop and take it all in, because everything happens in such a rush!

benjamin toms photography

The English Wedding Blog would be but a speck of what it is today without the fabulous, inspiring and dedicated sponsors who fill its pages with gorgeousness every day. On a personal level too, I’ve learned so many things from people I’ve met along the way: every stationer, photographer, bridal shop owner and florist has an amazing story to tell and wisdom to share.

I had a brilliant chat with one of our lovely members, the brilliant Kent wedding photographer Benjamin Toms, earlier in the year and we put together a series of really useful advice and discussion features for you to enjoy. Here’s the first, and I’ll hand you over to Ben: