If you’re busy planning your own wedding, chances are – like us – you’re going through that phase where all of your friends are tying the knot as well! We’re on a steady run of 2 weddings per year… and that means 2 outfits, 2 weekends away and 2 wedding gifts! When Truly Experiences got in touch I was delighted: they’re going to be a great place to find those unusual wedding gifts we’ve been looking for in the run up to all of our friends’ weddings! So with a warm welcome from me, our newest English Wedding team members are here to share their story with you today.

So your best friend is getting married. What do you buy as a wedding gift? Shopping for a perfect wedding gift can be daunting, but when it comes to a close friend, there can be even more pressure to find the perfect gift.

A sweet and pretty vintage wedding on the English Wedding Blog. Image by Love in Focus (26)

All images by our lovely sponsor Love In Focus Wedding Photography, Bristol

You not only want to find the perfect gift for the happy couple, but you want one that will also signify the many years of friendship you have shared. The gift should always be thoughtful, but you shouldn’t spend time stressing over it, as sometimes the most meaningful gifts are often ones that are not expensive. Of course, you don’t want to get something that just anybody can buy.