Good morning, lovelies. Today’s feature is a little different – it’s a beautiful styled wedding look which was created over the summer months, when lockdown rules were relaxed to allow small gatherings and intimate weddings. It’s likely summer 2021 might follow the same path, with couples having to build flexibility into wedding planning – and so this shoot is even more inspiring for how it looks, and how it was put together at short notice. Huge thanks to lovely Chloe Kennedy for sharing this with us today. You will find a full supplier list below – and don’t miss the beautiful video!
Happy Monday my lovelies! Have you had a nice weekend? It’s wonderfully autumnal out there now… my favourite time of year to be outdoors (and then snuggle inside with a hot chocolate and the fire lit!) To start off the new week we have a gorgeous wedding to share with you today. Stunning couple Lizzie and Eddy’s wedding happened in safer, covid free times and it’s beautiful. Their focus on celebration and family is everything – it reminds me how fabulous those carefree times were, and how special they’ll be when we finally return to normal. For those of you planning your future wedding – this is a beauty, the images by lovely Somerset wedding photographer Simon Biffen are glorious and I hope you love today’s feature!