Article by our friends at Truly Experiences, header image by Artisan X Photography. See Jennie & Verity’s wedding here

Are you looking for style inspiration for your same-sex or LGBTQI+ wedding outfits? We’re here to help!

Gone are the days of rigid rules regarding what brides and grooms can wear on their wedding days. Nowadays, you can essentially wear whatever wedding attire you’d like to – and while that gives you plenty of freedom, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and at a loss as to where to start putting your outfits together. This is especially true when the big day you’re planning involves two grooms or two brides (or two people without any labels at all!).

Back in the 1950s (or something) we called it the ‘bridal industry’.

In 2021, we’re a little more aware. And unless you’re a wedding dress shop*, if you’re starting a new wedding business you absolutely need to acknowledge that not every wedding has a bride.

*to be fair, I’d like to suggest that this applies to you too, dress shop owners!

Today’s blog post is nothing but a simple plea to new wedding brands: think ever so carefully before you call yourself anything ‘bridal’ or ‘bride’.

Let’s start this week off with a fabulously colourful, joyful, vibrant and exciting wedding, shall we? Knowing we’d be featuring this beaut of a wedding today, I smiled SO much when I spotted Jennie & Verity’s happy faces on the home page of Artisan X Photography‘s website this morning! These two gave their Birmingham wedding photographer an amazing review – and well deserved, because the overwhelming happiness of this wedding comes across so strongly in their photos. The rainbows splash colour everywhere; the bouquets are just stunning – and a spot of punting along the river Cam makes this one of my favourite weddings we’ve featured so far this year! Oh – and it makes me happy and proud to share this as a reminder that not every wedding has a groom. I’d love to feature more weddings with two brides or two grooms – any wedding photographers reading, please check our submissions page right now!
Shall we dive right into this glorious rainbow wedding then? I think so!
“englishRainbow wedding of Jennie and Verity captured by Birmingham wedding photographer Artisan X Photography

It’s not often I cry at a wedding on my screen – but today, Stephen and Colin got me. Their love story is so romantic, and to hear how their little family has grown since their first (big) wedding and their 10 year vow renewal… well, I cried!! Perhaps it was ‘Big Dad’ and ‘Short Dad’ – perhaps the rescue dog tale… perhaps the overwhelming romance of the setting and how beautiful their vow renewal was.

I’m not sure… is today one of those Mondays they always tell us is the gloomiest day of the year? Well I’m happy to say we’re on it. We’ve gatecrashed Monday to bring you a burst of joyful colour, and a happy story – Michele & Graz had to postpone their 2020 wedding, but eventually said their ‘I dos’ last July AND were able to model for this beautiful shoot –  so it’s all good. And this feast of LOVE and colour pretty much says EVERYTHING we need to hear on a cold January Monday! “english

Rustic Rainbow - a joyful styled elopement in Kent (5)