About you

Hello! I hope you’re enjoying the English Wedding blog. We write everything here with you in mind, so I hope I’ve got this right…
You are….
- a bride
- or a groom
- in the UK
- or outside the UK!
- in love
- open minded
- straight or gay
- anywhere from 16 to 100 (or over)
- creative in your own way
- someone’s best friend
- really rich…
- or thrifty like me!
- a wag
- a farmer
- an admin assistant
- into music
- or horses
- or clubbing
- or comedy nights
- or festivals
- or the opera
- the life and soul of the party
- shy with a lovely smile
- quirky
- traditional
- marrying for the first time
- or the second
- or the fifth
- muslim
- or christian
- or pagan
- or any religion including you jedi knights
- atheist or agnostic
- still thinking about it
- an x-factor fan
- in the band ‘Rage Against The Machine’
- smiling to yourself
- still frowning…
- going to love the English Wedding blog
- … or already a subscriber.
Whoever you are, whatever you’re into, welcome to English Wedding. I think you’ll like it here.
Claire x
Geoff · January 27, 2011 at 3:44 pm
Love this, very original!
Kate · March 3, 2011 at 12:11 pm
or a wedding professional! =) we love it here too!
Paul Cooper · August 24, 2011 at 12:15 pm
Love your blog, very user friendly
Siân Pitchford · June 29, 2012 at 3:06 pm
Very different blog well done for your ideas.
Thanks Siân
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