100 bloody lovely wedding photographers (page 10)

100 bloody lovely UK wedding photographers 2023

Header image by Joan Jellett


Megan Donati Photography

Megan Donati Photography

Zehra Jagani Photography

We know this list has some surprises in it. We love that. Because finding your wedding photographer should be more about YOU – there’ll be someone out there who’s a perfect fit for you as a couple. And everyone is different. We wanted to include a little splash of everything in our list, and include a photographer for absolutely everyone.

Some of the world famous UK wedding photographers are in here – the ones you’ll see on every list. Some aren’t. (We couldn’t include them all, and some simply haven’t crossed our paths yet.) Like we said at the top, it’s not always about pure skill behind the lens. We’ve chosen people WE love for a bunch of different reasons, and we just hope you discover your dream wedding photographer in here!

Some of the photographers on this list are in our wedding supplier directory (we’re super proud to say!) – but not all. Some have featured weddings on our blog – but not all. There are photographers here who might never have heard of English Wedding. (Surprise! We love you!) And that’s cool – because there’s nothing more exciting than discovering a new creative face and falling hard for their instagram! Or perhaps there is… booking them for your WEDDING!!!

Now, who have we forgotten? Because we know there’ll be one or two… let us know our glaring errors in the comments!



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